Service Request purchase for:

Add New Products: Physical or Service Products



Products will be loaded ‘up to’ the total number of products selected.

What to expect after purchase:

  • You will receive access to a downloadable file to load your products
  • If you prefer, you can submit your own document / product detail
  • Appropriate categories will be used for each of the products you submit
  • Products will be uploaded within 3 – 5 business days.

In some instances, a quick call will be scheduled with you- however in most instances this service will be completed over email.


Any feature or service we perform on your website is called a Service Request. A Service Request includes specific activities or requests, any pre-requisites you need to provide as well as an estimated completion time. This is called “the scope“.  Any requests / features / changes / build items outside of a Scope is a new Service Request (or Phase 2) which is charged based on its per service charge, and or can fall under "Additional Time".

 cariCare subscribers can use FREE Quick Call up to the hour allotment, and are billed for excess time (on a per hour basis).

Hand-Over clients can schedule a paid Support Consultation from 15 to 45 mins.

Timeframe is the estimated # of days to complete your service. It includes Scope Planning, provision of pre-requisites, work time, post implementation review and testing.  In some instances you can purchase Additional Time, or Revisions.

Scopes are drafted immediately, and as a result there are no refunds for service already rendered or third party applications already purchased (where applicable).

Up to three (3) revisions allowed.  Additional revisions are billed per hourly billing rate for cariCare Subscribers and Hand-Over clients.


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Download can be accessed up to three times, and expires after 25 calendar days. Please download (to desktop / laptop) to complete. When completed, load your document and product images to your shared folder.


Images must be named according to their relevant products.

Sub par images may be doctored / upgraded to allow for a seamless website view and or worst case scenario held for discussion.

We want the best for your website and your business at all times – and are not afraid to recommend updates to support this.  As always, the final say-so is yours.


Within 1 week


Up to 5 revisions where errors are due to our input. Details you may not have originally submitted are not considered revisions.