Accept Appointments on your Website

Enable a booking/appointment system on your WordPress website to manage renting or booking of services, rooms, houses, cars, accommodation facilities and anything you need to sell time for.

Do you need to see your doctor or book an appointment at the dentist? Even the usual Friday dinner out at your favorite Italian restaurant is possible only if you remember to book a table in advance. And what about your personal trainer, hairdresser, Spanish lessons, plumber, moving truck…? Our everyday life is full of appointments and services to book.

Let’s admit that our lives would be much easier if all these businesses used an online booking system. This would prevent us from having endless calls and dates written on pieces of paper we undoubtedly lose.

For both business and customers, the best way to manage bookings, rentals, reservations and appointments is through a WooCommerce site enhanced with a complete booking solution, developed to make everything smoother and easier.


What if you need this AddOn but don’t wish to spend for the premium version just yet? We do not need to start with all the bells and whistles just yet!!

You can try the LITE option. We will share what is possible for LITE options- however these change so frequently, we will share best available options when purchased.

What we do know is LITE has no bells. LITE has no whistles. This means the LOOK, FEEL and FUNCTION does not match Premium in any way! However, it will allow your clients to provide you with their preferred date and (potentially) time. It will allow clients to pay you for your time slots.

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